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Made for America
Bullet End Cap Rings
Rings for Proud Patriots
Bullet End Cap Rings in Stainless, Silver, and Gold

The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The lawful gun owners in America are trapped inside a heated political debate between those who affirm the right to bear arms and those who lobby to limit or remove that right entirely. Lawful gun owners face increased animosity from non gun owners with each new report of violent gun crimes.
Naturally, it's the violent gun crimes that increase the emotionally charged debate against guns in America, and it's that emotional reaction that gets in the way of having a reasonable conversation on the topic, rather than an explosive irreconcilable argument with the closest family or friends.
Lawful gun owners are forced to deal with the gun stigma portrayed by the media, making it even harder for gun owners to have a reasonable, and possibly educational, conversation with anti-gun owners. Those who support the Second Amendment are not likely to initiate a random conversation on gun ownership with others, but they will defend their Constitutional Right when it does.
We support the 2nd Amendment and our inherent right to bear arms, for protection, professional, or recreational purposes. Whether you are an active military serviceman, retired, a member of law enforcement, gun rights advocate, or a civilian with conceal-carry permits, the right the bear arms shall not be infringed.
We also don't want to see the heated 2nd Amendment debate tear our country apart to the point where The Pledge of Allegiance to our flag and one nation becomes a joke because the country is so divided. Americans need more constructive conversations aimed at the topic of keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, rather than targeting the Second Amendment as the root of the problem.
It was our own patriotism, and that of or local town, that inspired us to create a line of jewelry that would be both a symbol of pride for lawful gun owners and a constructive conversation starter.
“The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.” McDonald v. Chicago (2010)
When you wear a 2nd Amendment Nation Ring you are not only showing your pride and support for the right to bear arms, you are also opening the door for more meaningful conversations that can lead the United States of America back to the indivisible patriotism of one indivisible nation.